Portable Photo Filtre Studio 9.2 Full Version \/\/FREE\\\\
This International Standard specifies a datastream and anassociated file format, Portable Network Graphics (PNG,pronounced "ping"), for a lossless, portable, compressedindividual computer graphics image transmitted across theInternet. Indexed-colour, greyscale, and truecolour images aresupported, with optional transparency. Sample depths range from 1to 16 bits. PNG is fully streamable with a progressive displayoption. It is robust, providing both full file integrity checkingand simple detection of common transmission errors. PNG can storegamma and chromaticity data as well as a full ICC colour profilefor accurate colour matching on heterogenous platforms. ThisStandard defines the Internet Media type "image/png". Thedatastream and associated file format have value outside of themain design goal.
Portable Photo Filtre Studio 9.2 full version