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When you use JavaScript libraries from different sources, there's always the chance that some JavaScript file will redefine a global variable or function name that you use in your code. To minimize the risk of this sort of name collision, use the Closure Library's goog.provide() function to create a namespace for your code.


For example, the notes application uses Note objects created by a Note() constructor function. If any other JavaScript file defines a global Note function or variable, it could overwrite this constructor. Therefore the example creates a namespace for this constructor with the following call to goog.provide:

The goog.provide() function ensures the existence of the JavaScript object structure indicated by its argument. It checks to see whether each object property in the path expression exists, and if it doesn't exist it initializes it. The above function call is equivalent to:

Note that goog.provide() statements have the added advantage that the dependency resolution script can use them. See Using the Dependency Calculation Script to learn how to use

To include a function like goog.dom.createDom() that is not a constructor, pass the namespace containing the function to goog.require (just goog.dom in this case). You don't need to include the name of the function in the goog.require() statement unless you are requiring a class. Using a Closure Library Class illustrates a goog.require() statement for this case.

The constructor call new goog.ui.Zippy(this.headerElement, this.contentElement) attaches a behavior to the note element that will toggle the visibility of contentElement when the user clicks on headerElement.

The Google Closure library is a powerful JavaScript framework and includes features which are also interesting outside of a browser environment,e.g. implementations of common algorithms (encryption, geometry, time and date handling, ...), data structures (tries, pools, priority queues, ...)and support for functional programming. node-goog aims at making these features available on the Node.js platform.

In addition to prototype properties, constructors may have "own" properties(i.e. instance-specific properties added to this). Since goog.inherits()does not call the parent constructor, own properties are not copied to thechild constructor and any initialization code in the parent does not getexecuted. For these reasons, the standard pattern is to chain constructors as in the following example.

In JavaScript, this is set entirely by how the function is called, not where it's defined (as it is in Java, C#, and C++). So to make this within the call to goog.Disposable be the this of where you're calling it, you have to use .call or .apply. Otherwise, if you just called goog.Disposable(), within the call this would be goog.

The following page provides details on the application and list of hostnames associated with the domain. The list of notable hostnames that were detected come from not only DNS requests, but also HTTP headers, TLS certificates, DNS hinting, and other deep packet inspection methods. 041b061a72


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